Why Learn Python in 2023

Vincent Lossel
3 min readJul 26, 2023


Python has been one of the most popular programming languages for several years. Its appeal is not only based on the simplicity of its syntax or its accessibility to the most beginners. Python is a language that has many flaws (performance, dynamic typing, indentations, etc.), but that was never enough to make its attractiveness disappear.

To begin with, Python is an interpreted programming language with dynamic typing. Its design dates back to 1991 with the aim of making it a general high-level language. This objective is undoubtedly achieved today, given the plurality of use cases.

The language is appreciated for its simplicity, readability and ease of learning. Its versatility allows it to support imperative programming, object-oriented programming or functional programming.

Today, Python is a very versatile programming language that can be used for many, many projects. Whether it’s web development, machine learning, or a simple script to extract data from a CSV file, Python can come in handy.

Python is an accessible language

Python is an easily accessible language for beginners. Python’s syntax is concise and encourages compliance with best practices, particularly in terms of readability and clarity.

The resources present on the Internet are very numerous, very often suitable for beginners and multiple of many fields. Likewise, the official documentation is very complete and readable.
Web frameworks like Django, Flask or FastAPI have strong communities and many tutorials to learn all the details. You will always find help to solve a problem.

Data Science and Machine Learning

Today, the fastest and easiest language to train a machine learning model or analyze data is still Python. The ecosystem in the area is growing. You will find dozens of libraries to process, analyze and exploit data in a few lines.

The machine learning resources available almost all use Python, which makes learning the language and the specifics of these fields more accessible.

High demand from developers

In 2022, the Stack Overflow poll ranks Python second among the languages developers want to learn and use, just behind Rust and ahead of TypeScript. There has been an increase in interest in language for several years now, particularly related to the dynamics of Machine Learning domains. By taking a look at Google Trends, we quickly realize that searches for this language continue to grow steadily.

Many large companies use Python in their products. This is the case of Instagram, Google, Dropbox or Spotify to name a few.

The versatility of the language also allows Python developers to choose more or less different careers.

Python can do (almost) everything

Python is a general-purpose language. You can absolutely use it to develop web applications, analyze data, create scripts, automate certain tasks or do machine learning. The fact is that Python can be used in a wide variety of fields.

You will find libraries like Django, Flask or FastAPI for web development, a whole ecosystem of Data Science and Machine Learning libraries.

When you start, do not hesitate to use and abuse a language to fully understand its limits and its advantages. However, even though Python can be used in all of these areas, that doesn’t mean it necessarily has to be. In some cases, it is preferable to move towards a more efficient language or with a strict typing system. Everything will depend on the desired objective.

Whether you are a beginner or a more experienced developer, Python provides a solid foundation for getting started in programming. It should always be kept in mind that a language is only a tool and that the problem to be solved could be solved with another language, sometimes more quickly or more efficiently.

